How much does Google Workspace cost?
We charge the same price as Google - $8.40+GST per user per month for Google Workspace Basic and $16.80+GST per user per month for Google Workspace Business. Additional support can be charged hourly or with a support plan.
How is Google Workspace different from a free Gmail address?
Google Workspace allows you to have a professional email address – YourName@yourcompany – as well as group email addresses so your whole team can see an email if they need to. Google Workspace also comes with a guaranteed 99.9% uptime, extra security options, more storage and administrative control for user accounts.
Can I migrate my old emails into Google Workspace?
Yes, we charge a fee based on the number of accounts that need to be moved across.
Can I upgrade from Google Workspace basic to Google Workspace Business?
Yes, you can upgrade your basic plan to a business plan at any time. Just contact us to change the plan.
Can I have more than one email address?
Yes, you can create multiple email aliases such as contact@yourcompany or customerservice@yourcompany